380 research outputs found

    Anti-aging activity of Lobophora variegata ethanolic and methanolic extracts and their fractions

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    Conference Report XVI International Symposium on Marine Natural Products | XI European Conference on Marine Natural Products, 1-5 September 2019, Peniche, Portugal.Seaweed have promising applications within food, cosmetic and health industries, which led to an increased interest in studying these organisms [1]. In several coastal areas, thousands of tons of macroalgae are cast on beaches and shorelines and it would be very interesting if this biomass could be managed, allowing the extraction of added-value compounds. In this context, polar extracts (methanol and ethanol) of a macroalgal beach cast sample mainly composed of “Lobophora variegate” were prepared and the anti-aging and antioxidant activities were evaluated. The preliminary results showed interesting results, and thus these crude extracts were then fractionated sequentially by their solubility in dichloromethane, acetone and ethyl acetate, resulting in 4 semi-pure fractions each, which were also tested. Fractions A1.1.1 and A1.2.3 were very good tyrosinase inhibitors (IC₅₀ = 37.87 and 24.01 μg/mL, respectively) and fractions A1.1.2 and A1.2.2 presented very good inhibition of elastase (IC₅₀ = 44.76 and 20.86 μg/mL, respectively). However, none of the fractions was active against collagenase. These results show that further purifications of these fractions can lead to the isolation of bioactive added-value compounds.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Seasonal variation in the production of secondary metabolites and antimicrobial activity of two plant species used in Brazilian traditional medicine

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    Guapira graciliflora and Pseudobombax marginatum are two species used in the treatment of various diseases in traditional medicine of the Brazilian semiarid region, but no studies assessing their phytochemical and pharmacological properties have been reported. This study aimed to evaluate seasonal variation in the production of secondary metabolites and antimicrobial activity of these plants. The broth microdilution test was used against pathogenic microorganisms to evaluate the antimicrobial activity. The content of total polyphenols and flavonoids was determined by ultra violet (UV) spectrophotometry using gallic acid and quercetin as standards respectively. The concentration of polyphenols was higher in winter for P. marginatum and in summer for G. graciliflora, while for flavonoids the opposite occurred. Regarding the antimicrobial activity, only P. marginatum showed inhibition against seven tested strains and antibiosis against four, with variation in the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum microbicide concentration (MMC) between the two seasons. G. graciliflora showed no activity. The results show that the chemical composition of the extracts from P. marginatum and G. gracilliflora exhibits seasonal variation, with the first plant showing moderate antimicrobial activity.Keywords: Seasonal variation, phenolic compounds, medicinal plants, Gapira graciliflora, Pseudobombax marginatumAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(8), pp. 847-85

    Os fósseis de Santa Maria (Açores) : a jazida da Prainha.

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    PREFÁCIO: O trabalho que agora se apresenta de Sérgio Ávila e colaboradores é mais um precioso contributo para a divulgação científica que emerge de trabalho de investigação académica da Universidade dos Açores. É um trabalho que procura conciliar um rigor e uma descrição exaustiva e profusamente ilustrada dos elementos factuais paleontológicos e geológicos associados à jazida da Prainha, com uma obra apelativa e agradável de desfolhar, ler e consultar. Este tipo de produtos académicos para a comunidade, de extensão universitária como agora se fala, é de extrema importância para a Região Autónoma dos Açores, em particular, e para Portugal, em geral, por três ordens de razões. Em primeiro lugar porque, contrariamente aos ditados e sabedoria popular, as rochas e outros elementos do património geológico, são frágeis e efémeros. Um dos aspectos de maior fragilidade são os fósseis, propriamente ditos, o que é mais fácil de entender. Mais difícil é reconhecer que as próprias jazidas fossilíferas, fósseis e seu enquadramento geológico, o qual pode incluir filões, falhas, minerais, seixos rolados, etc., são igualmente bastante frágeis quer a acções de erosão e alteração naturais quer a acções antrópicas. Quanto às primeiras a única e melhor atitude é proceder ao seu estudo e registo documental, nomeadamente fotográfica, como generosamente se apresenta nesta obra. Quanto às segundas, o modo mais eficaz de as preservar é dar a conhecer às populações, em geral, e às autarquias e entidades de gestão do território, em particular, no sentido de prevenir o licenciamento de obras ou infra-estruturas que poderão comprometer irremediavelmente esse Património Natural. Efectivamente, numa região balnear como a da Praia Formosa, uma eventual pressão urbanística pode levar à destruição destes seus elementos patrimoniais únicos. Únicos, não só no contexto da Ilha de Santa Maria, como no contexto da Região Autónoma dos Açores, ou mesmo do Continente. Em segundo lugar, estão em curso vários esforços no sentido de que o conjunto das nove ilhas açorianas venham a ser integradas na Rede Europeia de Geoparques e, como tal, sejam reconhecidas pela UNESCO como mais um elemento da Global Network of Geoparks. Tal galardão é consagrado pela excelência do seu Património geológico e paleontológico, o qual encontra neste livro um excelente aliado e um repositório de informação da qual se irão retirar elementos necessários à subsequente produção de textos de divulgação em língua estrangeira, fundamentalmente anglo-saxónica. Por outro lado, ficam bem expressos, os argumentos da necessidade desta jazida se converta em mais um dos magníficos e bem sucedidos exemplos de geoconservação e valorização ambiental que estão a registar-se por todo o arquipélago açoriano. Em terceiro lugar, obras como a que agora se edita ajudam à interiorização por parte da população de Santa Maria, e por todos quantos a visitam, da singularidade geológica desta ilha e do valor científico e patrimonial que as suas unidades fossilíferas representam. Elas ilustram de modo particularmente exuberante as alterações climáticas que o nosso Planeta tem vindo a sofrer, actualmente acompanhadas com maior acuidade pela sociedade e os media. Estes afloramentos particularmente ricos em conteúdo fóssil, intercalados ou embutidos em sequências de rochas vulcânicas e sedimentares, são os únicos testemunhos que restam das comunidades bióticas que povoaram as águas superficiais e as regiões costeiras insulares do Atlântico Norte, há milhares de anos (no caso da Prainha ou Lagoinhas) ou mesmos há milhões de anos, como as jazidas do Monumento Natural Regional da Pedreira do Campo, Pedreira da Cré, “Pedra que Pica” ou Ponta da Malbusca, para citar só algumas. Todas elas são singulares excepções que complementam os registos sedimentares das bacias oceânicas envolventes, os quais têm sido, e continuarão a ser, alvo de investigação paleoceanográfica do Global Change. No entanto, estas jazidas, são os únicos testemunhos das comunidades costeiras pretéritas, com as quais é possível estabelecer comparações e mapas de distribuição biogeográfica, um dos temas fortes presentes nesta obra. (Mário Cachão)Universidade dos Açores; Departamento de Biologia da UAÇ; CIBIO-Açores; IMAR; Câmara Municipal de Vila do Porto; Clube Naval de Santa Maria; GEOBIOTEC; Viagens de Turismo MELO; Hotel Praia de Lobos; Governo dos Açores; Secretaria Regional da Ciência, Tecnologia e Equipamentos

    The role of interleukin 17-mediated immune response in Chagas disease:High level is correlated with better left ventricular function

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    Interleukin 17A (IL-17A) has been associated with protective rather than pathogenic response in Chagas disease (ChD). However, it is not established whether or not IL-17A-mediated immune response is correlated with patient's left ventricular (LV) function in ChD. To address this question we have gathered cardiac functional parameters from ChD patients and analysed the possible relationship between their plasma IL-17A levels and LV function. Plasma IL-17A levels were measured by BD Cytometric Bead Array (CBA) in 240 patients with positive specific serology for Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) grouped as indeterminate (IND) and Chagas cardiomyopathy (CARD) forms. The levels of IL-17A in ChD patients were compared with 32 healthy individuals, mean age of 39 years, 50% male, that were also included as a control group (non-infected [NI]). The overall mean age of ChD patients was 46 years and 52% were male. The IND group included 95 asymptomatic patients, with ages ranging from 27 to 69 years (mean of 43 years), and 42.1% of them were male. The CARD group included 145 patients, which 58.6% were male, with ages ranging from 23 to 67 years (mean of 49). The IND group presented substantially higher levels of IL-17A, median of 26.16 (3.66-48.33) as compared to both the CARD group, median of 13.89 (3.87-34.54) (P <0.0001), and the NI group, median of 10.78 (6.23-22.26) (P <0.0001). The data analysis demonstrated that the IND group comprises a significantly greater proportion (P <0.001) of high IL-17A producers (52.6%, 50 of 95 subjects) than do the other groups. A significant direct correlation was verified between IL-17A levels and cardiac function expressed by LV ejection fraction (LVEF), LV diastolic diameter (LVDd), and body surface area (BSA)-indexed LVDd as well as ratio of the early diastolic transmitral flow velocity to early diastolic mitral annular velocity (E/e') in both groups. We demonstrated that plasma IL-17A levels has an accurate sensitivity and specificity to predict heart failure in serology-positive patients and might be a useful parameter to distinguish patients with or without cardiac impairment. This study indicates a consistent relationship between high expression of IL-17A and better LV in human chronic ChD. Our data raise the possibility that IL-17A plays an important immunomodulatory role in the chronic phase of ChD and might be involved in protection against myocardial damage

    Clinical and molecular description of a high-copy IncQ1 KPC-2 plasmid harbored by the international ST15 Klebsiella pneumoniae clone

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    This study provides the genomic characterization and clinical description of bloodstream infections (BSI) cases due to ST15 KPC-2 producer Klebsiella pneumoniae. Six KPC-K. pneumoniae isolates were recovered in 2015 in a tertiary Brazilian hospital and were analyzed by whole-genome sequencing (WGS) (Illumina MiSeq short reads). Of these, two isolates were further analyzed by Nanopore MinION sequencing, allowing complete chromosome and plasmid circularization (hybrid assembly), using Unicycler software. The clinical analysis showed that the 30-day overall mortality for these BSI cases was high (83%). The isolates exhibited meropenem resistance (MICs, 32 to 128 mg/liter), with 3/6 isolates resistant to polymyxin B. The conjugative properties of the blaKPC-2 plasmid and its copy number were assessed by standard conjugation experiments and sequence copy number analysis. We identified in all six isolates a small (8.3-kb), high-copy-number (20 copies/cell) non-self-conjugative IncQ plasmid harboring blaKPC-2 in a non-Tn4401 transposon. This plasmid backbone was previously reported to harbor blaKPC-2 only in Brazil, and it could be comobilized at a high frequency (10−4) into Escherichia coli J53 and into several high-risk K. pneumoniae clones (ST258, ST15, and ST101) by a common IncL/M helper plasmid, suggesting the potential of international spread. This study thus identified the international K. pneumoniae ST15 clone as a carrier of blaKPC-2 in a high-copy-number IncQ1 plasmid that is easily transmissible among other common Klebsiella strains. This finding is of concern since IncQ1 plasmids are efficient antimicrobial resistance determinant carriers across Gram-negative species. The spread of such carbapenemase-encoding IncQ1 plasmids should therefore be closely monitored. IMPORTANCE In many parts of the world, carbapenem resistance is a serious public health concern. In Brazil, carbapenem resistance in Enterobacterales is mostly driven by the dissemination of KPC-2-producing K. pneumoniae clones. Despite being endemic in this country, only a few reports providing both clinical and genomic data are available in Brazil, which limit the understanding of the real clinical impact caused by the dissemination of different clones carrying blaKPC-2 in Brazilian hospitals. Although several of these KPC-2-producer K. pneumoniae isolates belong to the clonal complex 258 and carry Tn4401 transposons located on large plasmids, a concomitant emergence and silent dissemination of small high-copy-number blaKPC-2 plasmids are of importance, as described in this study. Our data identify a small high-copy-number IncQ1 KPC plasmid, its clinical relevance, and the potential for conjugative transfer into several K. pneumoniae isolates, belonging to different international lineages, such as ST258, ST101, and ST15

    Medications used by pregnant women in primary health service

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    The study evaluates the use of medications by pregnant women attended at health centers in the city of Campina Grande-PB, Brazil. The sample consisted of 250 patients. The number of prescribed medications ranged from 1 to 5, folic acid and ferrous sulfate being the medications most prescribed. It was observed the omission of some basic elements in medical prescriptions, such as time, duration and route of administration. Among the respondents, 75.2 % had no knowledge of the medication name and 92.6 % about dosage. Regarding the purpose and duration of use 52.5 % and 79.8 % of patients, respectively, did not have any correct information. The lack of information that stood out because of the inadequate knowledge was about the unpleasant reactions, with 86.8 %. The results demonstrate the existence of risks relating to drugs used by pregnant women, making it necessary to institute education measures in rational use of drugs for this group of patients.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Pediatricians and nutritionists knowledge about treatment of cow milk allergy in infants

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    OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the knowledge of pediatricians and nutritionists regarding the exclusion diet of cow milk and derivates, with emphasis on questions related to the nutrition of children submitted to such diet. METHODS: Cross-sectional study that enrolled pediatricians (n=53) and nutritionists (n=29) from public hospitals in São Paulo, Brazil, during 2005. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaires. RESULTS: The age of the professionals varied from 21 to 50 years old. Regarding professional experience, 41.2% were graduated for less than five years and 91.6% had a specialization course, masters and/or PhD degree. The vast majority of professionals (97.5%) confirmed that they regularly evaluated the diet of children that needed exclusion of cow milk. However, only 48% of the professionals conducted a more detailed evaluation of the diet, including calculations of food ingestion. Only 38.7% of the professionals compared child s food ingestion with some recommended pattern. Recommendations for daily ingestion of calcium by children up to the age of 36 months were properly mentioned by 22% of the pediatricians and 60.7% of the nutritionists (p=0.001). Inadequate cow milk substitute products were recommended by 66% of the pediatricians and by 48.3% of the nutritionists. Regarding labels of industrialized products, 81.6% of the pediatricians and 96.4% of the nutritionists advised the parents to look for all terms that could indicate the presence of cow milk protein. CONCLUSIONS: Pediatricians and nutritionists made conceptual errors in their main recommendations regarding the treatment of cow milk protein allergy.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o conhecimento de pediatras e nutricionistas sobre a dieta de exclusão do leite de vaca e seus derivados, com ênfase em questões relacionadas à nutrição da criança. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal descritivo, do qual participaram pediatras (n=53) e nutricionistas (n=29), vinculados a hospitais públicos do Município de São Paulo, no ano de 2005. Os dados foram coletados por questionário auto-administrado. RESULTADOS: A idade dos profissionais variou de 21 a 50 anos. Quanto ao tempo de graduação, 41,2% eram formados a menos de cinco anos e 91,6% possuíam especialização, mestrado e/ou doutorado. A maioria (97,5%) afirmou avaliar a dieta de crianças submetidas à exclusão do leite de vaca, entretanto, somente 48% o faziam de forma mais detalhadas, incluindo o cálculo da ingestão alimentar. Apenas 38,7% comparam a ingestão alimentar da criança com algum padrão de recomendação. A recomendação diária da ingestão de cálcio para crianças com até 36 meses foi corretamente assinalada por 22% dos pediatras e 60,7% dos nutricionistas (p=0,001). Produtos não adequados como substitutos do leite de vaca seriam recomendados por 66% dos pediatras e 48,3% dos nutricionistas. Com relação à leitura de rótulos de produtos industrializados, 81,6% dos pediatras e 96,4% dos nutricionistas orientam os pais a ler todos os termos que indicam a presença das proteínas do leite de vaca. CONCLUSÕES: Os pediatras e nutricionista demonstraram erro conceitual no que se refere às principais recomendações terapêuticas na alergia às proteínas do leite de vaca.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPUNIFESPSciEL

    Diversity of lytic bacteriophages against XDR Klebsiella pneumoniae sequence type 16 recovered from sewage samples in different parts of the world

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    Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses considered to be natural bacterial predators and widely detected in aquatic environments. Sewage samples are an important source of phage isolation since high density and diversity of bacterial cells are present, due to human, animal and household fluids. This study aims to investigate and characterise phages against an extremely drug-resistant (XDR) lineage, Klebsiella pneumoniae ST16, using sewage samples from different parts of the World. Sewage samples from Brazil, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and the United Kingdom were collected and used to investigate phages against ten K. pneumoniae ST16 (hosts) recovered from infection sites. The phages were microbiological and genetically characterised by double-agar overlay (DLA), transmission electron microscopy and Illumina WGS. The host range against K. pneumoniae belonging to different sequence types was evaluated at different temperatures by spot test. Further phage characterisation, such as efficiency of plating, optimal phage temperature, and pH/temperature susceptibility, were conducted. Fourteen lytic phages were isolated, belonging to Autographiviridae, Ackermannviridae, Demerecviridae, Drexlerviridae, and Myoviridae families, from Brazil, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and Thailand and demonstrated a great genetic diversity. The viruses had good activity against our collection of clinical K. pneumoniae ST16 at room temperature and 37 °C, but also against other important Klebsiella clones such as ST11, ST15, and ST258. Temperature assays showed lytic activity in different temperatures, except for PWKp18 which only had activity at room temperature. Phages were stable between pH 5 and 10 with minor changes in phage activity, and 70 °C was the temperature able to kill all phages in this study. Using sewage from different parts of the World allowed us to have a set of highly efficient phages against an K. pneumoniae ST16 that can be used in the future to develop new tools to combat infections in humans or animals caused by this pathogen

    Anti-SARS-CoV-2 inactivated vaccine in patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis: Immunogenicity, safety, antibody decay and the booster dose

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    Objective: To evaluate inactivated CoronaVac prime vaccination, antibody decay, booster dose, and safety in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis (AAV) patients. Methods: Fifty-three AAV patients and 106 Controls (CG) received CoronaVac on days: D0 (first dose), D28(second dose), and D210 (booster dose, 32 AAV: 32 CG). The primary outcome was immunogenicity after the second vaccine dose (day 69) assessed by Seroconversion Rates (SC) of anti-SARS-CoV-2 S1/S2 IgG and Neutralizing Antibodies (NAb). Secondary outcomes were safety, immunogenicity (D28/D240), 6-months antibody decay (D210) and the booster dose response (D240). Results: At D69 SC (65.1% vs. 96.8%, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.0001), GMT (21.3&nbsp;UA/mL vs. 67.7&nbsp;UA/mL, p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.001) and NAb- positivity (53.7% vs. 80.6%, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.001) were moderate but lower in naïve-AAV patients than CG. Patients without SC used more often IS (93.3% vs. 53.3%, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.015), mycophenolate mofetil (20% vs. 0%, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.037) and prednisone (60.0% vs. 28.6%, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.057) than seroconverted. NAb negativity in AAV patients was associated with prednisone treatment (57.9% vs. 18.2%, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.015) and IS (84.2% vs. 55.0%, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.046). Logistic regression analysis models showed that only prednisone was associated with lower seroconversion (OR&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.2, 0,95% CI 0.05‒0.86, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.030) and with lower NAb positivity (OR&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.2, 0,95% CI 0.05‒0.88, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.034). After six months (D69‒D210) a decrease in IgG positivity occurred in 32 AAV patients (15.7%, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.074) and 32 CG (18.7%, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.041). For the NAb positivity, the 6-month decrease was not significant (p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.114) whereas a major reduction occurred for CG (p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.001). A booster dose (D240) resulted in an increment in IgG-positivity (21.9%, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.023) and NAb-positivity (34.4%, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.006) in AAV patients. No moderate/severe adverse events attributable to the vaccine were observed. Conclusion: This study provides novel data on the excellent safety and moderate immunogenicity of CoronaVac in AAV patients. A six-month mild antibody waning was observed with a good response to the booster dose, although levels remained lower than CG (CoronavRheum-NCT04754698)